CFC Senegal Team - 2011 with Pastor Antoine |
Mission Inter Senegal (MIS) is a church planting organization in Senegal , West Africa .
Its vision is to reach 400 “unreached” villages with the Gospel and see
churches planted and reproducing by 2020. These villages represent about
500,000 Senegalese from the Wolof and Serer tribes. CFC began our partnership
with MIS in 2004 and became part of their Adopt-a-Village program. We adopted
the village of Babak . Pastor Antoine shepherds a small
church in the village and reaches out to 4-5 surrounding villages. Through
tangible projects, a foundation of trust and friendship has been built with the
Muslim leaders in the village. During our 2005 visit, we were amazed to hear Chief Diouf
welcome our team in Jesus’ Name. He shared the truth that we worship the one
true God and that our God answers prayer.
Babak is a Serer village with a
population of about 1600 people. Pastor Antoine is trusted by the Elders
of the village. Babak is a wonderful testimony of MIS’ holistic church planting
strategy that includes water projects, medical care, literacy programs, women’s
vocational training, and micro-finance programs all in support of the church
planting focus. Each year we have worked with MIS, Pastor Antoine and the
Elders of Babak to identify various projects that would meet tangible needs
within the village and provide a powerful witness for Christ.

Antoine worked with the Elders of
Babak to establish a cereal bank where people contribute to a community reserve
to assist those in need when the harvest may not be as plentiful. CFC provided
funds a few years ago for the church to purchase a grain mill. This has
simplified the process of grinding millet and the entire village has benefited
from this gift.
The government funds
a health hut in the village and numerous mobile clinics sponsored through MIS
have been conducted in Babak. We conduct 3-4 medical clinics each year during
our short term trips to Senegal .
The clinics allow us to demonstrate the love of Christ in a tangible way and
they open the door the church planters to build relationships with those in the
village after we leave.
village school provides opportunity for the children to learn to read and
receive a well rounded education. In 2006 we provided the funds to build a
fence around the school.
Antoine has been reaching out to 4 surrounding villages to build relationships
and plant churches. We have been blessed to be able to conduct medical clinics
in these villages and witness the power and love of Christ and how God has been
opening doors for the gospel though these projects. In two of these villages,
the Chief and Elders have allowed for the construction of church buildings
where the growing number of Christians can meet for worship. In 2008 we were
privileged to be present for the first baptism service in the Babak where 14
people publicly identified with Christ as their Savior.
For the past two years,
people from CFC have sponsored 25 children in the village. The funds go to MIS
and they in turn help to pay for school fees, supplies, uniforms, tutoring,
medical care and spiritual coaching through Kids Club. During our annual visits
to Babak, we meet with the children, deliver gifts and letters from their
sponsors and hang out with them throughout our stay.
This year our prayer is to
raise enough funds to purchase 600 mosquito bed-nets for the 200 families in
the village. Each day, more than 2,000 children die from malaria related
illnesses around the world. Progress has been made in Senegal to reduce the
mortality rates with malaria in the larger cities but the net distribution
program has not penetrated many of the villages. This will be a wonderful,
tangible witness of the love of Christ to the entire village. We are thrilled
to report that the Lord has provided the funds through the cheerful and
generous gifts of our congregation, to purchase more than 1000 mosquito nets. We’ll
be able to bless the 200 families in the village of Babak with 600 nets as well
as bless the village of Ngonine and other villages with the remaining nets.
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