God is so good. Our team met last night as we prepared for our March 15-24 trip to Senegal. We reviewed our tentative schedule with great excitement.
Sunday through Thursday (3/18-22) we will be in the villages or Babak and Ngonine. Two medical clinics are planned, as well as an afternoon of Kids games with the children of Babak, an afternoon with our 24 sponsored children, two maybe three nights in the village, showing of the Jesus film in the Serer language, and much relational time to meet with the villagers from home to home n both Babak and Ngonine.
We thank the Lord for the generosity of the people at CFC who have contributed enough funds for over 1,000 mosquito nets. We will bless the 200 families of Babak with 600 nets and the balance will go to Ngonine and other villages with the greatest need. In addition to the nets, our people have written over 100 prayers of encouragement that we will share with the village.
Here are the members of our 2012 team: Inez Stoltzfus, Anna Sacher, Shannon O'Donnell, Terry Smith, Darla Eldredge, Nick and Elke Speliopoulos, Ryan Roe, Denise Wells, Mike Bender, Megan Flinn, Mike Edelman.
Megan Flinn (on right) |
Mike Edelman |
If you would like to get a flavor for the Serer language spoken in the village of Babak, click on this link and listen to the typical way of greeting one another in Serer.
Prayer Request:
- God would provide the remaining financial support for a few team members.
- Smooth, peaceful national election in Senegal on February 26.
- Prepare hearts of people in the villages of Babak and Ngonine to receive God's love through our team.
- Our team would demonstrate the love of Jesus to all we come in contact with.
- We would be a blessing and encouragement to our dear brothers and sisters at MIS.
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